Thursday, January 2, 2014

Stigmatized a MISFIT

Did everything right played by the rules
Went over and beyond what I was told to do
Everything was straight flying high no mistakes
Till that hour of darkness overshadowed my head
False accusations screaming  and howling as I laid in bed
There I stood pleading my case
Looked back at mom crying so much all red in the face
Moment of silence time stopped judge sentenced me guilty and motioned for the cop
Never felt so much rage consume me so fast there I was being falsely accused straight up put on blast
Cold metal locked my wrists chained in a line with the other misfits
Shipped out locked up forgot
Sitting in the cell counting hours
Saying the rosary on my fingers invoking Blessed Mothers powers
Why me is the question that stayed in my mind tick tock tick always watching the time
Had to let go Give it to God my human mind didn’t understand injustice and fraud
Solitary confinement is where I was thrown
Looking back all I remember is being cold hurt tired and alone
One of the darkest nights of my soul
Had to offer it up trust in God and let go
Prayers were my daily bread
Said them 24/7 to keep me straight in the head
The slam of the cell , screams In the night all metal everything haunt me to this day
Submerged in the darkness I constantly pray
Time came

Thrown back in the world like everything was the same.

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