Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Raw Truth Exposed In Ten Years

There we sat
Face to face
Staring no blinking
Memories flooded our minds….constantly thinking
I knew the person but I haven’t given them the time of day in years
Here we are sitting…staring…facing all  of our fears
Locked in a silent trans we speak from the heart
Emotions begin to emerge on our faces no elements could break us apart
The only two that knows that honest to God truth
The story of our life by the grace of God standing here as living proof
There is a moment. She pauses, breathes and lets her wall of protection  she wears come down
What I see freezes my body shocks my emotions silent I sit shocked not making a sound
A decade of pain causes her eyes to have innocent glassiness of tears staring at me
Her eyes begging me why ?!why?! why ?! did you do this to me?! how could you not see the toll it took on me?
Her face harboring the bad choices she led to believe was the only option
Eyes engaged we exchange our past…the choices I made that dragged her through her darkest hour
Allowing me to see how my choices left her bitter broken and sour
I just wanted to run to her with open arms, hold her tight and tell her I love her so much and that suffering is over.
Im sorry for being selfish, neglecting you and your  pureness of heart full of good intention smothering it with my devious ways and my cruel perception.
I punished you for the gouging pain others induced
Here you are the innocent victim and today I want to present a truce
From here on out everything I do is for you.
I dedicate my life to heal your pain, dry your tears, love you so much till you have no fears
And there she sat looking back at me
For the first time in years she showed signs of being happy
The promise was made and ill be damned if it doesn’t happen
This poor innocent girl had every word spoken to her end in a lie
Ill give her what she deserves even if I have to die.
Because she died for me so I could  live in false happiness and escape reality
Now Ill die for her to live in truth love peace joy and truly be happy
There we sat.
Ready to forgive the ones who wronged us . forgive and forget
Love so much healing the holes  on our soul and lacerations on our heart
Stick together till the day God calls us home..the only thing which will  be able to break us apart
Soul parting from the earthly shell of human flesh
But until then her walls go back up ,  hiding her true self from the world allowing her to mesh
We promise to see each other and talk  more often  and let things that happened between us just be.

 There i sit ..I looking at her and my reflection looking back at me.

<3 Alison Claire

1 comment:

  1. I wrote something thoughtful here, at length, but when I clicked "preview" it all disappeared.... no preview. So... It was a beautiful and honest, perhaps very self revealing poem you wrote, Alison. Perhaps many others liked it but the site deleted their comments and they went away frustrated. So you might wish to check this site and do a test comment and then preview it (with Google option) to see what happens. That's just meant as a helpful suggestion for you, Alison, as I try to be or provide part of the solution for people's difficulties, like yourself which you detailed elsewhere. I'd like to contact and dialogue with you but I don't see an email address anywhere and your FB option is "not available". My name is Kevin Landry @ Linked In and my email address is there. (Wasn't sure if I was allowed to put it on here.) May God continue to bless you as He has!
