Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Winds of Her Spirit

Disturbing peace in ones soul alluring the senses of trust to let the guards of protection fall down
Entering the most sacred space of the being in the middle of the silence in the dark when no ones around

Awakening  endorphines ... affectionate connection
The moment passes, back to reality of life, up go the walls out ,come the guards , constant protection

Goodbyes generate white lies of hope
enticing the mind to feel at ease leaving the sweet sense of happiness to cope

The silence once shared is bombarded and flooded with the judgmental noise and persuasions of the world

The life paths once intertwined as one are farther then the poles of the earth
Constructing more walls of protection to thy heart and soul... inducing a barrier birth

The people of the world  ponder how one can be so easily detached from the greatest feeling between two
Three little words pierce her heart rendering abandonment and  strength doing what she had to do

Resilient to human affection never allowing one to get to close
 in fear of being  attacked where it hurts and stings the most

Keeping her whole life a series of secrets to  beings like her,  knowing it will be the last
Shed rather talk to Angels of her haunting past

Her soul is the prize of the greatest battle that will only seize when shes unable to breathe

Constantly fighting off demons drowning who she really is
Gasping for breath , Seeing an escape for  an oasis at that first kiss

Unlocking the door to her most guarded possession talking to her you'll lose track of time
Intriguing is an understatement of what you see before you
everything about her rushed sensations through your spine

You want to hold her forever and absorb the pain, Heal the wounds from walking the plains of life
You kiss her softly, allowing trust to envelope her mind soothing her heart, there you lay in the silence of the night.

exchanging a moment that allows her to escape, mental vacation.....sensual stimulation

as easy as it began its easier for her to walk away leaving you lying there granting you one last glimpse, an unforgivable sway and just like that she disappears in the dark talking to Angels on her way.

....Peaceful Warrior following her spiritual wind
Living a life of seclusion never letting anyone in

<3 Alison Claire

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