Sunday, May 19, 2013

Everything Happening is Meant to be

Whether good or bad situations and circumstances you find yourself in know that God permits all things and you are there, wherever it may be for a reason.

Even through HARDSHIP AND STRUGGLES just simply ask.. "WHY am I here God, What work must I do?"....Do not forget Matthew 7:7, Ask and you shall be answered, Knock and the door will be opened, Seek and you shall find.

How refreshing to know that's all we simply have to do is ASK

For God takes care of the birds and a the blades of grass, what makes you think He will not take care of you? Have faith my friend for God never abandons, He is always there, Living and working in us (Holy Spirit) the power of God that runs through our veins into our heart and souls leading and guiding us on the way to heaven, our eternal happiness. I now want to recall you to St. Paul who was sent out to spread the Gospel and in doing so at that time under Jewish law he was persecuted and thrown in Jail for proclaiming the truth. Now lets place ourselves in his sandals for a moment and unite ourselves with his mind, how do you think he felt??...Jesus tells him to go out and spread the good news and by listening to Him he is now at one of the worst places we could ever imagine to be? A JAIL CELL WRONGLY CONVICTED FROM DOING SOMETHING GOD TOLD ME TO DO?!?!??!?!

 The human nature mind of this material world would probably think..."Wow, thanks Jesus so much for spreading your word, look where it got me! "But St. Paul enlightened through the gift of the Holy Spirit knew that he was brought there for a reason... to minister and teach people in the jails about God and the faith and Mercy, and by doing so he led many souls to heaven and Jesus...what a beautiful thing, for I know if you asked me what i want to do in this earthly life, among many, things the glue that holds all my endeavors together is they will all ultimately HELP PEOPLE. 

So next time you see yourself with a bad attitude and negative outlook on your life path and situation know that through our free will we make conscious choices that lead us to the spot where we stand today. Although sometimes when we do not have control over a situation , Go to God and be like " hey God I don't know what crazy plan you have in mind for me but this is to much and for I know with You all things are possible, Jesus I trust in You! I give this to you to worry about and take care of just show me and tell me why I am in this unfortunate circumstance and lead me to what You want me to do."

*You know I talk to God just like I talk to my friends, He loves when you come to Him =) I tell Him God Here is my bills, my job, my relationships, my friends and family I don't want to worry or have this burden so I give it all to You, I mean come on Your God after all, AND GOD TURNS EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN DUE TIME.

*No matter what if your in a really bad situation or a peak of success and fruitfulness in your life remember this too shall pass. Always be humble to not get attached to things of this world and strong enough to endure  your trial for God is making you a stronger solider for this battle...all in all no matter where you are If God gives you the gift to live another day wake up happy and remind yourself what you are grateful for and give the rest of the nonsense to God and watch
<3 Alison Claire

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